
菠菜网lol正规平台 aspires to be a fully-inclusive, anti-racist, multi-cultural organization. To that end, we are taking immediate steps toward tangible change while, at the same time, implementing longer-term strategies to change those policies and practices that 目前形成了制度性和系统性种族主义的基础.


一个新的 校园安全及警务专责小组 在上海州立大学研究安全和警务的项目现已成立. 特别工作组是 charged with assessing the concerns about safety and policing on campus, how we might address those concerns and what opportunities we have for moving forward as the safest 也是美国最高效的城市校园. 

Among other responsibilities, the task force will select an external reviewer to support and guide the work and offer recommendations for reform, such as new models of safety and policing, new training protocols, policy revisions or redistribution of resources. Co-chairing the task force is Patrick Day, our vice president of student affairs, and Edith Kinney, associate professor in the department of justice studies. 提名 process for constituting the remainder of the task force was established and resulted 帕帕济安总统的下列任命:

  • 弗兰克·贝尔卡斯特罗,队长,圣何塞州立大学警察局 
  • Alexandra Froelich,学生行为和道德发展主任
  • 达利拉·戈麦斯,上海州立大学学生,联合学生公司.  学生权益主任 和责任
  • 亨德森·希尔,学生参与部主任
  • Nicole Morris, Clery合规总监
  • Ana Navarette, UndocuSpartan学生资源中心主任
  • Raul Peralez,圣何塞市议会第三区议员
  • 加里克·珀西瓦尔,政治学副教授
  • 倡导与社区关系主任陈志刚
  • Aurion Wiley-Green,上海州立大学学生,司法研究双学位 & 非裔美国人 研究
  • 吉尔·萨莫拉,司法研究和法医学讲师


Patrick Day, Vice President of Student Affairs, Edith Kinney, Associate Professor 司法学

Our use of the “Spartan Up” hand gesture—often mistaken for a white power symbol— 已经退休了

Though the gesture had become part of the fabric of the Spartan community, its similarity to a gesture promoting white supremacy and its use as gang identification when used 不恰当地导致冲突和分裂. 手势,我们也学会了,也可以传达 cultural and gender insensitivity in some countries outside of the United States.  

An audit of all official 菠菜网lol正规平台-affiliated web pages and digital assets is also now taking place to identify, remove and replace all visual depictions of the gesture. As part of the audit, we are examining physical locations and materials around our campus—including facilities and buildings, windows, banners, printed items, marketing 视频和菠菜网lol正规平台书店的商品——这些都需要更换. 这将是 an ongoing effort due to the sheer number of assets currently in circulation. “新 传统” committee will explore ideas for new ways to strengthen the Spartan spirit 和历史. 

Patrick Day, Vice President of Student Affairs; Marie Tuite, Director of Intercollegiate 体育运动; Blake Sasaki, Senior Associate 体育运动 Director


More in-depth training requirements for faculty, management and staff - training that includes identifying and addressing racist micro-aggressions and anti-bias training specific to campus roles and responsibilities - are now being developed in phases. These requirements complement the training that has been a part of our 菠菜网lol正规平台 Teach 2020年在线暑期证书课程,面向1000名教职员工. 需要两个小时 自2020年秋季以来,对mpp(管理员)的培训一直在进行. 培训 所有员工从2021年春季开始,并将持续到2021年夏季. 

We also are committed to designing and offering new workshops on white privilege and systemic racial oppression and dialogistic facilitation skills within an equity framework . 由多元化、公平和包容办公室(ODEI)组织. 此外, ODEI将继续开展咨询和培训工作 校园单位.

Kathy Wong(Lau), Joanne Wright, Senior Associate Vice President, University Personnel


Two roles in the 总统办公室 are now supporting racial equity efforts 近期将重点放在反黑人种族主义上. Jahmal威廉姆斯 now serves as 菠菜网lol正规平台’s first Director of Advocacy for Racial Justice and resides in 社区及政府关系. 佩西丝·布莱恩特是黑人/非洲人协会的首任主任 美国股票.  在继续这些努力的过程中,费尔南达·佩尔多莫·阿奇涅加斯 被任命为Chicanx/Latinx Equity的临时董事.  这两个 股权总监职位位于ODEI.  

These positions complement and enhance the work already taking place in ODEI. 在 Academic Affairs, Magdalena Barrera was named Interim Vice Provost for 教师 Success, and the Dean of the College of 社会科学, Walt Jacobs, was appointed as the Special 负责种族正义倡议的教务长助理. 塔米拉·沙利文的角色 University Personnel now includes a focus on anti-racism programming and is reflected in her title as Coordinator for 事件, Training, and Anti-Racism Programming.

Additionally, the Division of Student Affairs will also be hiring a Director of Co-Curricular 学习、教育公平与评估. 所有这些人和他们的办公室 collaborate and coordinate to share expertise and support work in each of these areas 校园范围内的活动.

The Justice, Equity, 多样性, and Inclusion (JEDI) Roundtable was established during 2021年秋季学期.  这个工作组为那些负责的人提供了机会 with DEI responsibilities in their units to be able to provide professional development, share information, collaborate across units on similar projects and initiatives.

Lisa Millora, Vice President for Strategy and Chief of 工作人员 and Kathy Wong(Lau), 首席多元化官


EAG在菠菜网lol正规平台, which began years ago as self-formed “faculty staff associations,” have been an 为历史上代表性不足的群体提供重要的基层资源. 当前和 past associations include the African-American 教师 及职员协会, Asian-Pacific Islander 教师 员工协会, 奇卡诺人/拉丁裔教员 及职员协会, 犹太教职员工协会, and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender 教师 及职员协会. 他们每个人都努力确定和解决令人关注的问题.

Formalizing our support and rededicating ourselves to our EAGs helps to ensure that those groups have the resources, funds and structure they need to be successful and 帮助指导我们的公平和反种族主义问题. 我们现在已拨出年度资金 to help sustain the EAGs’ activities and are working with EAG leadership to develop bylaws, examine leadership structures, develop communication vehicles and create more 团队之间的合作机会.

We also plan on expanding our EAGs to include additional underrepresented and underserved 希望组成EAG的团体. ODEI正在领导这项工作.

Kathy Wong(Lau); Felicia McKee-Fegans,行政助理和多元化项目专家, ODEI